Cycling - Track & Para Track

Lee Valley VeloPark

  • Entrance is via Entrance A. The lane nearest the Velodrome.
  • Route is via back of house spaces under block 106/107 towards the centre of the track.
  • Signage is placed around the route
  • Our Hosts will be dotted around the route
  • Viewing is from the Club 22 Hospitality lounge in the centre of the track.

Cycling - Track & Para Track

Date Hospitality Opens Session Starts Session Ends Bar Closes Hospitality Closes Session Information
Friday 29 July 3PM 4PM 6.30PM 6.45PM 7PM Medals
Saturday 30 July 3PM 4PM 7PM 7.15PM 7.30PM Medals
Sunday 31 July / Session 1 8.30AM 10AM 1.30PM 1.15PM 1.30PM Qualifiers
Sunday 31 July / Session 2 1.30PM 3PM 7PM 7.15PM 7.30PM Medals
Monday 1 August 12.30PM 4PM 7PM 7.15PM 7.30PM Medals
*All timings and session information are correct at the time of print and are subject to change.

If you have any questions or require any additional information please contact

Lee Valley VeloPark Club 22 Hospitality
16:52 GMT
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