Jonah's Project Peer Hearings
Jonah's Project CIC
The Peer Hearing project brings together young people, community volunteers, and 3rd sector partners to deliver an innovative, community-led out of court disposal. It will be delivered in Birmingham and will be the first project of its kind in the country. It will offer a diversion away from the criminal justice system for young people (aged 11-25) who have been arrested for a summary offence (with No Further Action taken) and referred into the Peer Hearing team.
These young people will appear before a panel of their peers who will listen to their case, try to understand their context, and suggest a locally based placement conceived to foster their social rejuvenation. It provides a catalyst for change for these young people by offering them the chance to reconnect with their communities through diversionary activities whilst helping them tackle the root causes of their behaviour through self-reflection, 1-2-1 mentorship, and (if needed) therapeutic treatment. It will connect young people to sources of help and a posituve future.
Website: jonahsproject.co.uk