What's your number?
Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games is taking steps to be the first Commonwealth Games to create a carbon neutral legacy. For us, this means taking responsibility for the Games climate impact in a credible and holistic manner. We are focused on measuring the Games’ carbon footprint and are taking a reduction first approach –focusing effort on key operational hotspots where emissions can be reduced. Where there are emissions that cannot be eliminated, we will take steps that will, over time, offset the carbon footprint of the Games, including the emissions related to air travel of athletes/teams flying to the Games and travel to/from venues by ticketed spectators. These actions will have the effect of leaving a carbon neutral legacy, the first to be put in motion of any Commonwealth Games.
The principal source of offsets will be through the planting of 2,022 acres of new forest in the Midlands region in partnership with our Nature and Carbon Neutral Supporter Severn Trent. If required (depending on the final audited carbon footprint of the Games), additional carbon offset credits will be purchased from the voluntary carbon market. You can find out more about the Games approach to carbon management here.
New forest in the Midlands region in partnership with our Nature and Carbon Neutral Supporter Severn Trent. If required (depending on the final audited carbon footprint of the Games), additional carbon offset credits will be purchased from the voluntary carbon market. You can find out more about the Games approach to carbon management here.
What is - What’s your number?
We feel we have a real opportunity to use the profile and engagement of the Games to build people’s awareness around carbon and encourage choices that might be better for the planet.
Did you know - Individuals make up more than 70% of global emissions?
Personal action is a really important part of the world’s response to the climate crisis, which is why we are encouraging you – spectators, partners, games family, volunteers….etc to understand ‘what’s your number?’ Understand more about your own personal carbon footprint and the steps you can take to reduce this.
Platform provided by Giki. Giki's terms of use, privacy policy and methodology are available at giki.earth
Frequently Asked Questions
How is the carbon footprint calculated?
‘What’s your number?’ is supported by Giki social enterprise – a detailed carbon footprint calculator with 150 steps to help people find ways to reduce their footprint which suit their lifestyle and budget. Important to note that all the estimates provided, are exactly that, estimates. Information about methodology can be found here: giki.earth/methodology.
Do I have to share lots of personal data?
The information you include is used to provide your personal carbon foot printing service – calculating, tracking and reducing your environmental footprint. You choose what you include and you can delete your account and your data at any time. It is your responsibility to review the platforms terms & conditions and privacy policy.
Is this a Games specific carbon footprint?
No, this is a way to provide an estimate for your personal carbon footprint. The Organising Committee is calculating and reviewing its own footprint – see more information here.
Are there other ways to work out your carbon footprint?
Yes. There are lots of great platforms out there. We know people often feel overwhelmed around the climate crisis and don’t know where to start – so we simply want to encourage people to learn more about their personal carbon footprint and help breakdown actions that you can take to reduce your carbon footprint.