YC Birmingham 2022: Connecting Communities
Project Details
The YC (Youth Charter) Birmingham 2022 Connecting Communities Project brings together young people and their communities as part of the development of 6 Community Campuses in the West Midlands and Greater London. 200 Social Coaches will be trained to: Engage 2,000 young people through sport, art, cultural and digital activity; equip them with mental, physical and emotional life-skills and resilience; and empower them with aspiration for college, university, employment and entrepreneurship.
The Social Coaches will complete Social Coach Engagement Steps including safeguarding protocols and the SCLP Induction and Fast Track training which provides values and skills sets for Social Coaches and training to use the Community Campus Portal - Project Management Platform to Plan, Prepare and Deliver Youthwise Activities for the project providing a catalyst for change.
Young people will learn about themselves, work in teams and design and implement projects for their communities and measuring the impact.
Location: West Midlands
Start Date: 10th February 2022
Website: youthcharter.org